PRI offers full-service m88 casino review Testing and Evaluation for Asphalt / Bitumen Binders. Our capabilities include a Binder Laboratory, Analytical Laboratory, Pavement Preservation Laboratory, and more for:
- Product Certifications
- Domestic (PG, Penetration, Viscosity and Agency Specific)
- International (EN, China, GOST, S. American, Country and Project Specific)
- PMA's/PmB's
- Polymers - Elastomers & Plastomers
- Ground Tire Rubber (GTR's)
- Hybrids
- Reactive: Cross-linking agents, Catalysts
- Additives, Modifiers & Extenders
- Anti-Strips
- REOB's, Specialty Oils
- Emulsions & Cutbacks
- Emulsions: Chemical, Clay Stabilized / Colloidal
- Cutbacks: SC, MC & RC, Others
- Product Development & Improvement
- Others
- Coal Tar Pitches
- Sustainable (ex. bio, veggie & other oils)
- Specialty Refining: Propane Precipitations, ROSE, Cracking & Others
- Dust Palliatives